The best outcome of any work is satisfied customers …
… from Düsseldorf, Brussels, Frankfurt, Hamburg and …
Many companies and institutions value Language Link as a competent, uncomplicated partner for all language services. I meet the needs of companies in a host of different sectors. The satisfaction and loyalty of my clients are the best possible proof of the consistency and quality of my work.
Here’s how some of my clients put it:
“Finding able translators for specialised subject areas is as hard as searching for the proverbial needle in a haystack. Petra Weber is our ‘needle’ in the haystack. She can now translate the complex technical language of the ophthalmic optics business so perfectly that even our English branch office rubs its eyes in disbelief at her ability.”
(Ulrike Ribbeck, Tanja Kutscheidt, SEIKO Optical Europe GmbH, Willich)
„Petra Webers Englischtraining hat mir sehr gut gefallen, insbesondere der Wechsel zwischen dem Buch und den freien Übungen und Spielen. Alles in allem war der Unterricht sehr abwechslungsreich. Jetzt habe ich mehr Sicherheit im Umgang mit der englischen Sprache und keine Scheu mehr zu sprechen.“
(Martina Volk, MELLERUD CHEMIE GmbH, Brüggen)
„Von den verschiedenen Unterrichtsmethoden haben mir besonders die spielerischen Aufgaben gefallen. Ich habe festgestellt, dass Englischlernen auch Spaß machen kann! Inzwischen schaue ich mir des Öfteren Serien und Filme im Originalton an und lese englische Bücher. Außerdem möchte ich andere vorgeschlagene Lernmethoden anwenden. Grundsätzlich fühle ich mich beim Sprechen jetzt etwas sicherer.
(Christian Geerlings, MELLERUD CHEMIE GmbH, Brüggen)
„... hilfreich waren insbesondere die geforderten Dialoge in der Gruppe und die Unterstützung mittels Audio. ... Die Abfrage der Vokabeln im Unterricht hat mir sehr gut gefallen. Gute Methoden!
(Michael Brocker, MELLERUD CHEMIE Gmbh, Brüggen)
“Working with her was a great experience. She was quick, flexible and impeccable. Ms Weber immersed herself in the specific terminology of our consulting field. Communication with her was equally expedient and professional. We very much look forward to an on-going working relationship with her.”
(Christoph Münten, Ifp, Cologne)
“Zigma Ground Solutions approached Petra prior to the launch of our sales and rental operation in Germany and the rest of Europe. We required our website, www.zigmagroundsolutions.com, to convey our message accurately and correctly to the German market. Petra translated our website successfully, and feedback from our European visitors to the site has been very positive. We continue to work with Petra on all aspects of German translation, as and when required, and I would highly recommend her to anyone or business.”
(Shelly MacDermott, Marketing Manager, Zigma Ground Solutions, Stansted/UK)
“Ms Weber has translated all kinds of different texts for us. She has no qualms about tackling new subject areas or applying our existing corporate glossaries and she always delivers on time – even urgent jobs we spring on her at short notice.”
(Silke Asbrand, SHE Kommunikationsagentur GmbH, Frankfurt/Main)
“Petra Weber’s English training was wonderful and totally relevant to our everyday conversations with English speakers. The practical applicability of the content was 100%. She used a variety of media to convey the key content. During her training sessions, I learnt not to translate word for word but to use authentic English expressions. I also became aware of how polite English-speaking people generally are in their interactions with one another. Without that training, I would have come across to the ‘outside world’ as a very rude conversation partner.”
(Kay-Uwe Lührs, Erbslöh Geisenheim AG)
“As a translator, she was asked to translate both contracts and technical material for us and impressed us not only with her professional skills but her ability to deliver quickly when we needed work done urgently. Her courses included a variety of exercises and were also very well prepared, never boring and extremely effective.”
(Gisela Rüther, VTR, Tönisvorst)
“As a PR consultant I do a lot of project business, which usually happens under tremendous time pressure. Fortunately, Petra Weber is able to keep up with that pace and still deliver very appealing English translations. It did not take her long to grasp the terminology of the IT sector and she is also capable of thinking outside the box. In short, she does much more for us than just translate.”
(Corinna Scholz, Redaktionsbüro & Agentur, an editorial office and PR agency in Hamburg)
“I can only recommend Petra Weber as a trainer and coach. She is quick to understand the special needs of her clients and excellent at covering all subject areas. She makes even the thorny subject of grammar lively and interesting, while remaining totally professional throughout. I always enjoy her training sessions very much.”
(Petra Grund, HR consultant/researcher, Mönchengladbach)
“I chose to do some one-on-one training with Petra Weber to develop my confidence and presentation skills in professional situations. Technical Business English is a huge challenge for me and we worked on it together. Thanks to Ms Weber’s individual help, which was carefully tailored to my needs, I now have more confidence and faith in my ability to use English in my everyday working life. Many thanks!”
(Fatima Aslan, UWT GmbH-Level Control, Betzigau)
“I was looking for a teacher to help me learn English from scratch and I found just the right person in Petra Weber. She is quiet, yet fully focused and conveys the content with gentle persuasion. Her calm manner gives me the courage to tackle this new world despite my advanced age. Her lessons are very stimulating and informative, and I now look forward to new horizons with real pleasure. I feel in good hands and I know I can rely on the English skills of Petra Weber. I can only recommend her most highly.”
(Udo Mitzinger, Me-Ta-Bau GmbH, Schwalmtal)
“Thanks to Petra Weber’s professional and personalised teaching style, we have found our way back to the English language. Her perfectly prepared lessons were always very effective and stimulating. Ms Weber was always 100% focused on our needs and we are already looking forward to making more progress with her next winter.”
(Claudia und Rainer Großheim, Tönisvorst)
“Petra Weber’s English training: refreshing, dedicated and highly competent!”
(Karin Gerards, Brüggen)
“Very competent and professional!”
(Arne Thummes, Schwalmtal)
“I was very pleased with Petra Weber’s conversation course. She chose interesting and topical subjects and wove a great deal of variety into her lessons.
(Ulrike Ortmann, Schwalmtal)